Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Driving Sim - KPE expressway (Low-polygon models)

Low polygon modeling for the scenery objects around KPE.

Click on images to enlarge

Anime cartoon character

This is one of the four pig characters created by my colleague in collaboration with a Singapore based manga drawing school. 

For this character, I was tasked to texture, assign weights and animate it with some simple movements. 

Still having a little issue with uploading video into the blog though. 

Click on image for an enlarged view. 

Low-polygon modeling - AR soccer player

This model was created for an Augmented Reality exhibit during the Germany Expo @ Suntec in 2006. At that time, World Cup fever was on. So, everything just fitted together to come up with this idea for showcase.

Player in action. Waving, jumping, etc.

Face texture image for mapping (above). And uniform (below) for the character's body. 

Low-polygon Quasi

This version of Quasi was inspired by the real Quasi, developed at Carnegie Mellon, and it looked like this. 

And this is my version. Low polygon model was created as an Augmented Reality model for the opening ceremony of a science and technology exhibition in 2006 at the Singapore Science Centre

Monday, October 27, 2008

Project Virtual Fishtank - Sea turtle 2

Close up of texture maps...

 and bumps effects...

Project Virtual Fishtank - Sea turtle

The next sea animal was the sea turtle. This one was actually done a year later after the Virtual Fishtank was created and more variety of creatures were needed. 

Total polygon count for the model was about 3000. 

Project Virtual Fishtank - Manta Ray

One of the very first large scale model I created back when I first started modeling using 3D Studio Max 5. This manta ray was created from an image reference by visual comparison. I remembered I didn't know how to import an image into the scene to assist me. 

Over the years, the manta ray was converted to Maya format as the VR engine work with could only support a certain exported format of the file. 

Top view

Bottom view

Wireframe view with rig (in green)

The polygon model was rigged with a skeleton to enable it to 'fly' like most mantas do in the sea. I remembered the sinusoidal behaviour of how the wings flapped are based on a script with I copied from reference books.